Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How to Navigate the Home Design and Construction Process Lecture

Heather Deschenes (HND Architects); Bruce Greenwald (D. Bruce Greenwald Architects); Fred Deschenes (FL Deschenes Construction); and Jack Picariello (JN Picariello Construction) present a panel lecture on Tuesday, June 15, 7:00 pm. Are you thinking about adding an addition to your house or building from scratch? Interested in finding out the benefits of using an architect and builder? This lecture will illustrate how to hire the correct architect and builder for your project, explain the differences in architects and builders proposals; define what an architect does, and what a builder provides. Also the speakers will cover what to expect for the construction process, licensing, permitting, and insurance, how to be best prepared for your construction process, and how to get what you want when you build or renovate. Come with your questions! 

Abbot Public Library
235 Pleasant St
Marblehead, MA 01945-2257

Note: Lectures are recorded and rebroadcast by Marblehead TV
217 Pleasant Street, Marblehead, MA 01945